ICYMI: The Latinxs in Kid Lit September 2022 Newsletter



In our September 2022 newsletter, we have an article by Alejandra Domenzain titled “What Happens If You Don’t Teach Social Justice Books.” Here’s an excerpt:


Alejandra Domenzain

At a time when book bans target marginalized voices, it’s more important than ever to ask ourselves, Why does access to these books matter? I want to argue that the stakes are high not just for expanding “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) in children’s books, but that we need to go even further to demand “social justice books” in our schools and libraries. In a landscape where so many groups are denied representation, it seems revolutionary to simply give voice to those who are silenced, but we can’t stop there.




In the newsletter, we also have a list of September 2022 Latinx releases and a Q&A with author-illustrator Ana Aranda about her new book, Our Day of the Dead Celebration.



Click here to access it: https://mailchi.mp/e94c67367922/latinxsinkidlit0722-7279729

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